To: My Patients
I heard something really interesting a few days ago and wanted to pass it along. I've heard it before - and you may have too. But - like most things we hear - it's something we need to hear more than once to have it sink in and affect our lives in a positive way.
At least I do.
Maybe you do, too.
Anyway, what I heard was this: It was a speaker talking about how every day we have a lot of negative things happen in our lives. Heck... if you watch the news for only 5 minutes, you're probably going to be depressed for a month!
And here's the really interesting observation this speaker made: He said that we always seem to react to all the bad stuff. Whenever something goes wrong in our lives (or just seems to go wrong) we make sure everyone knows about it.... And we dwell on it.
On the contrary... when something good happens... most of the time we seem to not even acknowledge it. And even worse, we ignore the people who do all the good things in our lives while we are concentrating on all the negative.
That's why I've written you this letter.
I have no idea why, but recently, we have experienced an unusual flood of new patients who were referred in by patients like you. It makes me feel great that so many of my patients have the confidence in our office to send in their family and friends.
So, if you have recently recommended my services to a friend or loved one, I would like to simply say thank you.
Dr. Justin Snyder