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Quick Tips to Reduce Morning Neck Pain

Neck pain can start at any time: after an auto accident, with increased stress or you might notice discomfort after turning your head too fast. Some people develop neck pain after a long work day, yet others experience frequent pain in the mornings. 

If you have a problem with neck stiffness and pain when you wake up in the mornings, your sleep habits may be the underlying cause. Here are a couple of tips to ease discomfort and enjoy a restful night's sleep. 

1. Don't sleep on your stomach. While a favorite position for many, this sleep position can twist your neck and put pressure on your lower pack. A better option - sleep on your back or your side. It also helps to purchase a pillow that provides maximum neck support. 

2. Don't sleep on too many pillows. Multiple pillows may provide immediate comfort at night, but cause neck pain in the mornings. Your head, neck and spine should stay aligned throughout the night to reduce pressure.

We have a long successful history of helping those with neck issues who come to our office.  If you're experiencing pain and want relief, please call and set up an appointment.

December 31, 2012
Team Member

Dr. Justin Snyder